Engagement Arts Belgium, Belgium
Shelter, Transport, Work Opportunity, Workspace in Architecture, Art & Science, Audiovisual Media, Design, Education, Literature, Music, Performing Arts, Visual Arts
Ми можемо запропонувати оплачувану роботу для організації зустрічей, допомоги в адмініструванні, дослідженнях, комунікації, колективному написанні… Ми пропонуємо офіс у спільному просторі для митців, у нас є зв’язок із феміністською бібліотекою, у нас є мережа та комунікація. Ми можемо організувати притулок і короткострокове перебування в різних місцях.
We are a feminist organisations that fights against sexism, harrasment and power abuse in the arts. We are artist-led and can offer a space to artists that have an interest in research/activism/community work inspired by intersectional feminism and that have a connection with whatever artistic discipline. We can offer a paid job for organising meetings, helping with administration, research, communication, collective writing, ... We offer a office in a shared artist space, we have a connection with a feminist library, we have a network and communicty. We can help with finding hosts within that community to organise shelter and short term stays on different locations. We know that that is not ideal, but hopefully it can be a temporary solution. We can cover the costs for international and national transport.