Martin Roth Initiative - programme line 1, Germany

Open Call for Residency in Architecture, Art & Science, Audiovisual Media, Design, Digital Culture, Education, Heritage, Literature, Music, Performing Arts, Visual Arts

Митці та діячі культури, які знаходяться під загрозою, мають можливість тимчасово залишитися та працювати в Німеччині за допомогою приймаючої установи культури.
Deadline - 11:59pm on 20.04.2022
-> MRI не є невідкладною програмою. Тому ми не можемо надати негайну підтримку чи прискорити процеси.

Приймаючими організаціями можуть бути заклади культури або колективи (наприклад, музеї, театри, фестивалі тощо) та інші відповідні організації, які базуються в Німеччині. Ці організації не тільки приймають стипендіатів, але й надають підтримку в їх особистому добробуті та професійному розвитку.

Temporary relocation to Germany: Artists and cultural actors at risk have the possibility to temporarily stay and work in Germany with the assistance of a host cultural institution. (Programme line 1)

MRI funding in programme line 1 enables cultural organisations in Germany to temporarily host artists and cultural actors, providing scholarships and a free and safe space for them to continue their creative work and to develop professionally.
Note: The MRI is not an emergency programme. We therefore cannot provide immediate support or speed up processes.

Host organisations can be cultural institutions or collectives (e.g. museums, theatres, festivals, etc.) and other relevant organisations that are based in Germany. These organisations not only host scholarship holders but also provide support for their personal wellbeing and professional development.

What does support funding in programme line 1 involve?
.a monthly scholarship,
.individual support for the scholarship holders (e.g. necessary insurance, psychosocial support, language courses, trainings, networking activities, etc.)
.if necessary, financial support for additional personnel for the host organisation (please note that we cannot fund permanent staff and freelance work that is not directly related to the purpose of the grant),
.counselling by the MRI and further training (for example on topics such as safety, sensitive public relations, psycho-social support) as well as networking activities and exchange of experience with other host organisations and scholarship holders,
Please note that the scholarship visa does not automatically entitle scholarship holders to take up employment or self-employment in Germany.

